Student Development Center

Richard Peagler


8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
State University of New York College at Cortland

Office of Student Disability Services

Student Support Service Suite
Van Hoesen B-40

The State University College at Cortland is committed to upholding and maintaining all aspects of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) approved in 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. As an institution, we are dedicated to ensuring reasonable access to our campus programs and facilities, and continuously seek to augment and improve our services.

The mission of the College is to provide students with assistance and services to develop strong self-advocacy skills, and to give them the same opportunities to compete fairly with other students attending this institution. Students are encouraged to develop constructive networks with respective faculty and staff, learn to articulate their concerns and needs, and identify available resources.

The Office of Student Disability Services provides services to students with different types of disabilities and assist students who voluntarily identify themselves to the office in determining which services can best meet their individual needs.

Some of the services available through the Office of Student Disability Services include:

Sharon Schiebel
Coordinator for Student Disability Services

Office of Substance Abuse Prevention Services

Student Support Services Suite
Van Hoesen B-40

The Substance Abuse Prevention Service recognizes the adjustments students face when they embark on their academic careers. This sometimes include moving away from family and long-time friends, to a new living and learning environment. The manner in which students cope with these changes , and develop throughout their college years impacts the preparedness for their lives after college. Maintaining a healthy balance between social, academic, and work priorities can assist in this process, while use of alcohol and other drugs may compromise this development.

SAPS exists to help students understand the connection between substance abuse and future success, to identify their individual risk factors for chemical dependency, and examine the choices they have made regarding alcohol and other drug use. Toward this goal, the SAPS provides the following services:

Nancy Reynolds
Coordinator of the Substance Abuse Prevention Service

Academic Support and Achievement Program

1st Floor, Memorial Library
(607) 753-4309

The Academic Support and Achievement Program (ASAP) helps students learn how they learn best. Staff provide assistance in writing, reading, study skills, and math to students of all ability and achievement levels. Students can participate in individual settings, small group, classroom instruction, and workshops. Students who have regularly attended ASAP report that they have developed increased confidence, having acquired independent learning skills, and have shown marked improvement in their courses and grade point averages. Students might go to ASAP:

Mariangela Chandler
Director for the Academic Support and Achievement Program

Office of Multicultural Affairs

Corey Union 409-A

The Office of Multicultural Affairs’ endeavors to infuse a multicultural perspective throughout the Cortland campus. It does this by encouraging faculty and staff to include the perspective of under represented groups in classrooms, student activities, and in programs. Multicultural Affairs provides educational services to the college community by disseminating information on issues that are African-American, Asian-American, Latino, and Native American populations.

Another aim of the Office of Multicultural Affairs is retention of students of color. In order to enhance the retention of ethnic students, programs that stress academics have been implemented such as the Blake Scott Mentor program and the Challenge for Success Awards. Other programs that aid in retention include the implementation of prejudice reductions programs designed to eliminate racial and ethnic bias in the classroom, residence halls, and offices that deal directly with students.

Matt Bradley
Multicultural Affairs Coordinator

created by:

Yusuf Muhammad