<% page_to_go="http://www2.cortland.edu/cgis/" response.redirect page_to_go %> Resources on Gender

Resources on Gender

Background Readings for Faculty

Bem, S. (1993). Transforming the debate on sexual inequality (In S. Bem's: The Lenses of Gender: Transforming the Debate on Sexual Inequality). New Haven: Yale University Press. [Suggested by Judith Ouellette]

Useful Resources to Assign for Student Reading

Frye, Marilyn. "Oppression." Race, Class, and Gender: An Anthology. 3rd ed. Eds. Margaret L. Anderson and Patricia Hill Collins. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1998, pp. 48-60 [Suggested by Denise Knight]

Hyde, Janet Shibley. "How Women Are Treated in Language." Experiencing Race, Class, and Gender in the United States. 2nd ed. Ed. Virginia Cyrus. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Co., 1997, pp. 73-76 [Suggested by Denise Knight]

Lips, Hilary M. "Gender and Other Stereotypes: Race, Class, Appearance, Sexual Orientation." Experiencing Race, Class, and Gender in the United States. 2nd ed. Ed. Virginia Cyrus. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Co., 1997, pp. 76-82 [Suggested by Denise Knight]

Classroom Examples from Cortland Faculty

Are You A Feminist?
This exercise explores the question Are you a feminist? by taking students through a series of statements with which they are asked to indicate agreement or disagreement. [Suggested by Victoria Boynton]
Women and Self-Image
This exercise asks students to write a short reflective essay on sense of self, women, and self-image. [Suggested by Denise Knight]
Gender and Relationships: Some Link Exercises
This exercise is designed to provoke discussion about how gender conditions human relationships, as students examine hyperlinks to various web resources on this topic. [Suggested by Victoria Boynton]

Other Resources

Why Girls Rule in Oz
By Alison Lurie. How L. Frank Baum infused his 14 Oz books with his strident feminist mother-in-law's views of democratic socialism. (From The New York Review of Books.) [Suggested by Henry Steck]

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This document was last modified on Thursday, December 14, 2000 at 1:49 pm EST.